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Want Thicker Hair? Here are 5 Tips to Help You Grow it Longer and Stronger

Want Thicker Hair? Here are 5 Tips to Help You Grow it Longer and Stronger

Hair Care

Want Thicker Hair? Here are 5 Tips to Help You Grow it Longer and Stronger

For many people, thinning hair can be frustrating and embarrassing. But it doesn’t have to be this way! There are many natural ingredients you can use to nourish your hair from the inside out and make it stronger, softer, and more luxurious than ever before. Here are five simple steps to help you grow your hair thick and long!


Eat The Right Foods

Eating a well-balanced diet is important when trying to grow your hair longer. Eating foods high in protein can help you strengthen your hair follicles, which results in longer, stronger strands. Omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish, flax seeds and walnuts) also play an important role as they nourish your scalp and improve blood circulation. Vitamin C, found in citrus fruits and green vegetables, is another nutrient that strengthens hair strands.


Use Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a topical solution (you can use it in combination with other treatments or on its own) that stimulates hair growth by increasing blood flow to your scalp. While there aren’t any major side effects, you might experience some itching or tenderness at first, but these symptoms should subside in about a week. Once you start using minoxidil, be consistent about applying it two times each day.


Take Biotin Supplements

Did you know that biotin (vitamin B7) plays a role in cell growth, including hair follicles? In fact, one study showed that participants who took supplements containing 3,000 mcg of biotin daily over a four-month period experienced greater hair growth than those who didn’t take any at all. So if your goal is thicker locks, pop some biotin in your diet! And as an added bonus, vitamins like biotin can also help prevent hair loss.


Watch What You Drink

Believe it or not, what you drink has a direct effect on your hair growth. The key is water—the more water you drink, the better your hair will grow. A lot of people use sodas as a replacement for water. While soda does have some benefits (like vitamin C), many sodas also have high amounts of caffeine, which dehydrates your body in addition to adding toxins into your system through artificial sweeteners.


Avoid These Common Mistakes

Knowing how to grow your hair longer doesn’t necessarily mean it will be healthy. The truth is, most people don’t know how to properly care for their hair—or they may not even realize that their poor habits are damaging their tresses. As a result, they end up with dry, brittle strands that snap off easily.

To help you avoid these common mistakes, here are five tips on how to grow your hair thicker and stronger

1. Avoid over-washing: Washing your hair every day strips away natural oils, which can make your scalp oilier in an attempt to compensate. Over time, too much washing can lead to dandruff or dullness and cause breakage at the ends of your hair shafts (the weakest part). Instead of shampooing daily, try washing only every other day or once a week using products designed for dry or damaged hair. If you do wash more than once a week, use hydrating products such as deep conditioners after each wash.

2. Don’t brush wet hair: Brushing wet hair stretches out your strands, causing them to weaken and break more easily. If you must brush while wet, use a wide-tooth comb instead of a regular brush.

3. Use sulfate-free shampoos: Sulfates, commonly found in most shampoos, remove dirt and grime from your hair but also strip away natural oils. Look for sulfate-free shampoos if you want to protect your locks from drying out.

4. Stay hydrated: Water is essential for life; it helps our bodies function normally by keeping us hydrated, regulating body temperature, and carrying nutrients throughout our cells. But did you know water is also important for keeping your hair healthy? Dehydration can lead to weak strands that break easily. Make sure you drink plenty of water every day so your hair stays strong and thick.

5. Use leave-in conditioner: Conditioners work best when applied directly to clean hair, rather than hair that has been washed. By applying a leave-in conditioner directly after showering, you allow it to soak into your locks rather than just coating the surface of your strands. This keeps moisture locked in better than rinsing and applying traditional conditioning treatments later on.

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