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The Top Benefits of Coconut Milk for Your Skin

The Top Benefits of Coconut Milk for Your Skin


The Top Benefits of Coconut Milk for Your Skin

We all know that coconut milk makes a great addition to our daily diet, but many people are unaware of how beneficial it can be for our skin. Not only does coconut milk help hydrate the skin, but it also contains many nutrients that can help fight the signs of aging and reduce the likelihood of sunburns and other types of skin damage. Here are some of the top benefits of coconut milk for your skin!



The creamy and soothing qualities of coconut milk make it a great choice to use when you’re looking to moisturize dry, sunburnt skin. It acts as a protective barrier against external elements and can be particularly useful after a long day in the sun or swimming. It has also been shown to improve overall hydration, meaning it is suitable not only for topical use but for consumption as well.



The fats in coconut milk help reduce inflammation, making it a good ingredient to incorporate into skincare routines meant to fight acne or eczema. A study published in 2015 in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment found that oleic acid, a fatty acid derived from coconuts, helped with atopic dermatitis when applied topically; other studies have shown coconut oil helps treat inflamed skin.


Fights Bacteria

One reason coconut milk is so great for your skin is because it’s antibacterial. If you have acne or any other skin condition, then you should seriously consider using coconut milk and its natural antibacterial properties to help combat bacteria that cause breakouts. When applied topically, coconut milk helps to control overactive oil glands and reduce inflammation around blemishes. As such, it serves as a useful spot treatment as well as a way to moisturize your skin on a regular basis.


Soothes Sunburn

With a cooling effect, and packed with vitamins A, B, D, and E (all known to soothe sunburn), coconut milk can help relieve your skin after a day in the sun. It can also promote new cell growth in areas damaged by overexposure to UV rays.


Hydrates Dry Hair and Scalp

Hydration is essential for healthy hair. Excessive use of hair styling products can make hair brittle and dry, leading to breakage and split ends. Coconut milk is highly moisturizing, making it an excellent choice for nourishing dry scalp and repairing damaged hair. Simply apply some coconut milk to your damp locks (or do a deep conditioning mask) after washing your hair, let it sit for at least 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. You’ll be left with clean locks that smell great!


Healing Properties

Coconut milk is enriched with several nutrients that have healing properties, and not just when it comes to our insides. Coconut milk contains a compound called lauric acid that helps our immune system fight infections, as well as an antioxidant known as proanthocyanidins which reduce skin inflammation. These two compounds have anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that make coconut milk a powerful skin moisturizer.


Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Fresh coconut milk is a rich source of vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C. The skin loves Vitamin C—it helps maintain its elasticity, promotes healthy cell production, and encourages collagen growth. To hydrate skin from head to toe, include fresh coconut milk in your diet or use it topically on problem areas (i.e. dry elbows and knees). In fact, some even say that adding fresh coconut milk to our bathwater can alleviate sunburns!


Relieves Psoriasis Symptoms

Coconut milk is one of those versatile ingredients that can be used both in savory and sweet dishes. It adds a tropical twist to your smoothies, desserts, and even to your breakfast bowl. The best part is that it helps you soothe psoriasis symptoms by nourishing dry, flaky skin with essential fatty acids. These acids are also known as polyunsaturated fats or PUFAs that help strengthen our skin’s natural barrier.


Final Thoughts

Using coconut milk to treat sunburn is a great way to care for your skin when it’s suffering from dryness and sensitivity. The soothing, nourishing fat content in coconut milk helps protect damaged cells and restore moisture back into your skin. On top of that, coconut milk is also packed with vitamins like vitamin E that work as antioxidants to further reduce inflammation and redness.

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