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10 Hair Removal Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making

10 Hair Removal Mistakes You Don't Even Know You're Making


10 Hair Removal Mistakes You Don’t Even Know You’re Making

We’ve all been there before—waxing, shaving, tweezing—it all seemed like such a good idea at the time, but you’re suddenly sitting in the middle of an unsightly hair removal disaster. Don’t worry! You’re not alone, and most likely it’s not your fault. Just like any other skill or task that you perform, it takes practice to become skilled at hair removal techniques and achieve the results you want.


Not Storing Your Razors Properly

A dull razor is more likely to irritate and cut your skin, which could lead to infection. How you store your razor also plays a role in longevity; if it’s constantly drying out, there’s a greater chance it’ll rust over time. Wipe down your blades with rubbing alcohol every once in a while and store them in something that will keep them protected from moisture when they’re not in use.


Not Prepping Your Skin With A Hot Towel

It seems simple, but it can make a huge difference. Prepare your skin for hair removal by draping a warm towel over your skin for about five minutes. This opens up pores and softens hair follicles, making hair removal easier and more effective. Just be sure to choose 100% cotton towels. These are great because they don’t leave behind lint or cause irritation to sensitive skin. They also dry quickly so you don’t have to wait long between uses.


Neglecting To Exfoliate

Exfoliating is a vital part of any good skincare routine. Not only does it get rid of dead skin cells, but it can also unclog pores and improve your complexion. This step is especially important before you shave, so be sure to use an exfoliating scrub once or twice a week. (And if you’re already shaving daily, great!


Not Shaving In The Direction Of Hair Growth

Shaving in one direction is important because it can cut hair much shorter than simply shaving back and forth. Shaving in one direction will reduce skin irritation, razor bumps, and ingrown hairs. Shave towards your heart for smooth legs, or shave towards your toes for silky underarms.


Shaving In The Morning

While you might think shaving in your pajamas is an ideal time saver, research shows that it may actually slow down hair growth. Your hair follicles have to repair themselves after they’ve been shaved, so keep a razor out of your grooming routine until at least an hour before you head out. Plus, if you miss a stray whisker or two, stubble will be more noticeable by mid-day.


Using The Same Razor Again And Again

While disposable razors can save you some cash in a pinch, using them over and over again is a surefire way to end up with irritated skin. If you’re not regularly replacing your razor, bacteria can easily build up and cause breakouts, cuts and even infection. Invest in a high-quality razor with replaceable cartridges that last for at least five or six shaves; once they start to dull or feel uncomfortable on your skin, toss them and start fresh.


Waxing Right Before Or After Your Period

Because waxing your nether regions can be a bit uncomfortable, to begin with, it’s best to avoid having sensitive skin when it comes time for your appointment. Waxing right before or after your period can cause ingrown hairs and inflammation, which will make removing unwanted hair that much more difficult. If you do need to schedule an appointment during that time of the month, opt for sugaring, threading, or electrolysis instead.


Take Accutane While Waxing

Accutane (isotretinoin) is a strong acne medication, but it’s so drying that it can cause your skin to crack. Since waxing involves yanking off large strips of skin, you may want to think twice before combining them; there are other products on the market (i.e., azelaic acid or salicylic acid) that might be gentler and still effective.


Not Wearing Sunscreen After Waxing

It may sound counterintuitive, but sunscreen is essential to protect your skin after you’ve gotten a wax. Your skin will be in a weakened state for several days, so you want to make sure that you’re taking care of it at all times. Reapply sunscreen often after getting a wax and for three days afterward.


Exfoliating Right After You Wax

Exfoliating right after waxing can cause your pores to open up, resulting in ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs are painful and hard to get rid of, so avoid them by waiting until your skin is completely healed before you exfoliate again. This will take at least one day after getting a Brazilian wax, four days after getting a bikini wax, and two weeks or more if you’re removing hair from legs or other large areas of skin.


Final Thoughts

Whether it’s shaving, waxing, plucking or even laser hair removal, you need to be careful about how you remove your body hair. Our list of 10 common mistakes will help keep your skin smooth and irritation-free.

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