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9 Amazing Benefits of Hemp Oil for Your Skin

9 Amazing Benefits of Hemp Oil for Your Skin


9 Amazing Benefits of Hemp Oil for Your Skin

Hemp oil is derived from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant, and it’s packed with tons of nutritious goodies like omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and vitamin E. It’s also used as an ingredient in lotions, soaps, and even shampoos due to its ability to moisturize the skin. Due to its many health benefits, hemp oil has become increasingly popular with people who want to keep their skin healthy and young-looking (without needing Botox or plastic surgery). Here are 10 benefits of hemp oil for your skin



The primary benefit of hemp oil is its anti-inflammatory properties. All kinds of skin issues, such as dryness, itching, redness, and inflammation are caused by inflammation in our bodies. These can be reduced by using hemp oil topically on your skin. The fatty acids in hemp oil also help to fight wrinkles and other signs of aging. With regular use, it helps to improve elasticity and moisture retention in your skin.


Repairs Sun Damage

Sun damage is a major cause of skin cancer and wrinkles, so it’s important to protect your skin from UV rays. Hemp oil contains large amounts of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce sunburn and help heal damaged tissue. It also helps restore moisture balance to dry or aging skin, which may help minimize fine lines and wrinkles.


Strengthens The Skin Barrier

Hemp oil strengthens the skin by promoting cell development. Because hemp oil is high in essential fatty acids, it’s often used to combat eczema, psoriasis, and acne.


Moisturizes With Essential Fatty Acids

Derived from hemp seeds, hemp oil is packed with essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. These fatty acids work to keep skin hydrated, which can aid in reducing inflammation and redness. Additionally, since hemp oil contains vitamins A and E, it helps fight free radicals and signs of aging by protecting your skin from sun damage.


Boosts Elasticity

The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in hemp oil encourage collagen synthesis, which gives your skin more elasticity and decreases wrinkles. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents that can reduce redness, swelling, and puffiness under your eyes. A study published in Natural Products found that hemp seed oil significantly improved signs of aging in test subjects.


Eases Itching And Redness

Derived from marijuana, hemp oil contains cannabinoids that give it powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help with a variety of issues related to skin health, including redness and itching caused by dryness or irritation. Research shows that hemp seed oil may be effective in helping reduce inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, while many moisturizers are full of toxins that can irritate sensitive skin, the hemp seed oil is naturally antibacterial.


Fights Acne

Not only does hemp oil help to reduce breakouts and heal existing acne, but it also prevents new pimples from forming. This is because hemp oil is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, both of which have anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent outbreaks. It’s especially helpful if you’re suffering from a hormonal or stress-related breakout since its anti-inflammatory properties will tackle every cause of acne simultaneously.


Can Be Used As Makeup Remover

Many people use hemp oil to remove their makeup. Because it is so gentle on the skin, it works very well as a daily makeup remover. Because hemp oil is heavier than water, some suggest applying it with a cotton ball or swab rather than directly onto your face. However, once your skin becomes used to it you will be able to easily massage it into your skin and remove all that stubborn eye make-up!


Improves Complexion

Hemp oil promotes healthy, clear skin by balancing out natural sebum production and regulating hormones. It also contains anti-inflammatory agents that soothe redness, itchiness, inflammation, and irritation. Those suffering from acne can benefit greatly from hemp oil’s treatment effects. The powerful antioxidants in hemp oil act as cleansing agents to help detoxify your body while soothing your skin at the same time.


Final Thoughts

There’s a lot to love about hemp oil. It’s great for our skin, and it can help reduce inflammation and wrinkles. The possibilities seem endless. For example, hemp oil could be used in lotions, lip balms, shampoos, and more! These products would provide an excellent source of all-natural nutrients that help moisturize and repair your skin. Another bonus? Hemp oil is safe to use on even sensitive skin types. So, if you have rosacea or eczema, you should definitely consider adding hemp oil to your daily routine. Just make sure you always do a patch test first!

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