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Ginseng Benefits for Your Skin – 10 Surprising Ways to Turn Back the Clock

Ginseng Benefits for Your Skin - 10 Surprising Ways to Turn Back the Clock


Ginseng Benefits for Your Skin – 10 Surprising Ways to Turn Back the Clock

Ginseng has been used in Asia for thousands of years to treat everything from asthma to erectile dysfunction, but it can also be used to help you fight the signs of aging and boost your overall skin health. In fact, researchers have found that ginseng can help reduce skin dryness and inflammation. In one study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, scientists found that taking ginseng extracts led to significant improvements in redness, roughness, and elasticity of the skin after just 30 days!


What is Ginseng?

Ginseng, sometimes called Chinese or Korean ginseng, is a flowering plant with fleshy roots that grow underground. For hundreds of years it has been used in Asian medicine and its history dates back thousands of years. It’s also known as a great rejuvenator because of its many health benefits. The root itself can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried and ground into powder—it’s commonly used in teas and soups. It can also be taken as an extract by mixing it with water or alcohol.


The History of Ginseng Usage

Ginseng, a plant that is indigenous to Korea and China, has been used as medicine for over 2,000 years. Ancient Chinese would boil it in a pot of water and take a cup of ginseng water every morning before going about their day. It was believed that it helped improve stamina and gave people more energy. In addition, ginseng was also thought to have cancer-fighting properties. As time went on, scientists started looking into how ginseng worked and what chemicals were in it that made it so beneficial. They found out that there are certain chemicals in ginseng called saponin glycosides that have anti-inflammatory properties. These saponin glycosides can be extracted from dried roots or stems of American or Asian ginseng plants. Ginseng can now be purchased in different forms such as pills, powder, liquid extract, and tea.


10 Main Benefits For Skin

Ginseng root is an herb that has gained attention in recent years due to its antioxidant properties and anti-aging effects. Ginseng can help slow down or possibly even reverse, your skin’s aging process. Here are ten ways it can benefit your skin:

1. It Stimulates Collagen Production – The same way ginseng improves overall health, it also boosts collagen production within your body by stimulating fibroblast cells—which are responsible for producing collagen and elastin—to produce more of these proteins.

2. It Fights Free Radicals – As we age, our bodies naturally accumulate free radicals as a result of exposure to harmful chemicals from air pollution and other environmental factors. Free radicals cause oxidative stress on our bodies which leads to cell damage; however, antioxidants like those found in ginseng neutralize free radicals so they don’t have a negative impact on our bodies.

3. It Reduces Inflammation – Inflammation causes redness, swelling, and pain around damaged tissue. In addition to reducing inflammation in general, ginseng reduces inflammation specifically around acne breakouts.

4. It Helps Reduce Acne Breakouts – Acne is caused when sebaceous glands get clogged with dead skin cells and oil resulting in pimples or cysts. Ginseng helps reduce inflammation around acne breakouts which helps minimize their appearance.

5. It Hydrates Skin – Dehydrated skin is rough, dull, and prone to premature wrinkles. Ginseng contains moisturizing properties that can hydrate your skin and improve its texture.

6. It Protects Against UV Damage – Our skin is exposed to UV rays every day without us realizing it, whether we’re spending time outside or sitting near windows at work. Ginseng protects against UV damage because of its potent antioxidant properties.

7. It Prevents Premature Aging – Premature aging occurs when you lose collagen faster than you can replace it, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Ginseng prevents premature aging by boosting collagen production.

8. It Improves Elasticity – When elasticity decreases, your skin loses its ability to bounce back after being stretched out. Ginseng increases elasticity in your skin to keep it looking young and healthy.

9. It Smoothes Out Wrinkles – Wrinkles form when collagen breaks down faster than your body can repair it. Ginseng stimulates collagen production to fill in lines and wrinkles, making them less noticeable.

10. It Evens Out Skin Tone – Dark spots develop over time as a result of sun damage, causing uneven skin tone. Ginseng works to fade dark spots over time while preventing new ones from forming.


How Does it Work?

Ginseng is a herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. Unlike many other types of herbs, ginseng has a long history of being used by various civilizations and countries. Ginseng is also believed to be beneficial when applied topically as it provides anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties. As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity, texture, and youthful appearance which can happen even earlier with sun exposure or stress. However, these negative changes can be slowed down with products that contain ginseng. Here are some ways that you can incorporate ginseng into your skincare routine When you’re out shopping: Look for cleansers, toners, and moisturizers that contain ginseng as an ingredient. Be sure to check if there are any preservatives or fragrances added so that you know what effect they may have on your skin. Also, look for items labeled all-natural since ginseng is naturally occurring! When you’re at home: If you want to make your own skincare product, consider making a face mask using honey and mashed-up ginseng root. Apply it to clean skin and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off with warm water. You can also add ground-up ginseng root directly into your regular face mask recipe; just don’t use too much because too much could cause irritation or redness!


What Are Some Ways to Get Your Daily Dose?

The best way to get your daily dose of ginseng is through supplementing with capsules. These are easy to take and help you get your required amount of ginseng in a controlled dosage. There are many brands that sell capsules on Amazon, but you’ll want to check out some reviews first before buying. Ginseng can also be purchased as an extract or tea. If you choose to go with an extract, make sure it has been standardized to contain at least 4% ginsenosides; otherwise it may not have any effect. You can use teas if you prefer to drink them instead of taking pills. They do not need to be standardized so long as they contain real ginseng roots. Just remember that most teas will only give you about 1/4th of what a capsule would, so you’ll need more than one cup per day.

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