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10 Magical Benefits of Cucumber for Skin, Face, And Body

10 Magical Benefits of Cucumber for Skin, Face, And Body


10 Magical Benefits of Cucumber for Skin, Face, And Body

Cucumber has its own set of beauty benefits – some of which are not as well known as others, but equally magical! For hundreds of years, it has been used as an ingredient in lotions and potions as well as in spa treatments and facial masks. Today, cucumber’s magical benefits are also available to you, whether you choose to use it on your skin, face, or body! Let’s take a look at the top 10 magical benefits of cucumber.


1) Help Reduce Puffiness

Studies show that cucumbers contain an amino acid known as L-threonine which helps reduce puffiness. Soak a clean cloth in cold water and squeeze out any excess liquid. Gently place it over your eyes to help reduce puffiness and improve skin tone around your eyes.


2) Reduce Swelling In Sinuses

Placing chilled slices of cucumber on your sinuses helps reduce inflammation and swelling. If you’re feeling congested, place some cucumbers over your eyes. Let them chill out and reduce puffiness. Your eyes will feel refreshed after you remove them!


3) Decrease Pain In Sprains

If you’ve ever had a sprain or strain to your muscles or ligaments—an injury that results in torn tissue and inflammation—you know how much it hurts. Aspirin and ibuprofen might offer some relief, but if you want real healing, you’ll need cucumbers. Cucumbers have natural anti-inflammatory properties, so they can reduce swelling and make your injury feel better faster.


4) Relieve Skin Irritation

When your skin is itchy or you have some kind of skin irritation (sunburn, eczema), fresh cucumber slices can provide instant relief. If you’re suffering from acne breakouts or clogged pores, try placing a slice on each affected area and leave it on for about 20 minutes to help reduce swelling and redness. Just be sure to not leave them on too long as there is a possibility that they can worsen your condition if left for a few hours.


5) Cool Off Sunburn

Cucumbers have cooling properties that help soothe sunburns. Sliced cucumbers will help calm your skin and reduce inflammation. Make sure to use non-irradiated cucumbers; eating irradiated produce can increase your risk of cancer. If you don’t have cucumbers available, aloe vera gel is also good for soothing sunburns.


6) Soothe Bug Bites

If you’ve ever been on a camping trip or experienced an uninvited guest in your own backyard, you know how itchy bug bites can be. The cool thing about cucumbers is that they actually help calm itching and reduce swelling—which means less scratching! If you happen to find yourself with some extra cucumbers around (they do grow like weeds), slice up a few pieces and place them on those pesky bug bites to get relief from both pain and itchiness.


7) Reduce Acne Breakouts

While we love cucumbers in our salads, they also make a great addition to your skincare routine. Because cucumbers are packed with vitamins A and B (especially B5) as well as antioxidants like copper and potassium, they have a soothing effect on irritated skin. This can reduce redness associated with acne breakouts and improve overall skin health.


8) Calm Irritated Skin

The cooling effect of cucumbers makes them great for soothing irritated skin. For example, an aching tooth can be relieved by soaking a cloth in chilled cucumber juice and then placing it over your cheekbone. Similarly, you can dip two cotton balls in cold water and then press them against your temples to relieve tension headaches. And if your face is feeling irritated from excessive exposure to sunlight or harsh weather conditions, massage cool cucumber slices onto your cheeks to soothe irritation and reduce redness.


9) Calm Inflammation In Body Joints

Try adding cucumbers to your diet—they’re a great source of silica, which helps soothe inflammation in joints. Simply slice one and eat it like an apple or blend it into a delicious juice. Don’t have time to cook it? Drink unsweetened green tea with slices of cucumber as soon as you wake up—it naturally contains silica that reduces inflammation throughout your body.


10) Boost Moisture Content In Skin

Whether eaten as a salad or applied topically as a face mask, cucumbers are a wonderfully hydrating food. The body naturally retains moisture when it’s well-hydrated, which can be especially helpful during winter months and cold weather in general. Liven up dull skin by dipping slices of cucumber into milk or yogurt and leaving them on your face for about 20 minutes. Or add grated cucumber to your bath water for added hydration that can soothe tired muscles.


Final Thoughts

If you’re looking to have glowing skin and a beautiful face, cucumbers are your new best friend. For centuries, they’ve been used by women all over the world to nourish and hydrate their skin naturally. Today we’ll go over some of those amazing benefits and leave you wondering why it took you so long to add these magical vegetables into your daily routine!

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