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8 Effective and Natural Treatments to Get Rid of Dandruff

8 Effective and Natural Treatments to Get Rid of Dandruff

Hair Care

8 Effective and Natural Treatments to Get Rid of Dandruff

A lot of people don’t realize that dandruff isn’t just an unsightly issue; it’s also an uncomfortable one! Besides looking bad, dandruff can be an annoying and even painful problem, especially if your scalp gets irritated by the constant itching. If you want to get rid of dandruff without turning to harsh chemicals or other unnatural treatments, this article will tell you about eight effective and natural treatments that can help you deal with dandruff safely and effectively.


Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil has an antibacterial and antifungal agent that not only treats dandruff but also fights against lice. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with water in a spray bottle, then use it to dampen your hair. Leave it on for about 10 minutes before rinsing your hair thoroughly. You can do this one or two times per week until your dandruff is gone. (Note: Tea tree oil may cause irritation for those with sensitive skin.)


Baking Soda

There’s a lot a baking soda can do for you, but one of its most useful applications is in your hair. When mixed with water, it makes a great shampoo that leaves your hair squeaky clean, while also removing dandruff. What’s more, it will leave your scalp feeling tingly and refreshed.


Eucalyptus Oil

Add several drops of eucalyptus oil to your shampoo. The smell will stimulate your scalp, which will lead to better blood circulation in your head. If you suffer from dandruff, massaging your scalp with eucalyptus oil regularly can help you get rid of it in a few weeks.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has shown promise in helping sufferers of dandruff, scalp psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and other forms of scalp eczema. While you can spend tons on special shampoos for dandruff that are filled with coconut oil, it’s just as easy (and cheaper) to slather a bit on your scalp before bedtime each night. Leave it in overnight before washing it out in the morning.


Lemon Juice

It might sound strange, but lemon juice can be a great dandruff treatment. Mix a tablespoon with two cups of water in a spray bottle, shake it up, and spritz it onto your scalp after you shampoo. Let it sit for five minutes before rinsing your hair as usual. It may smell kind of weird, but it should work as well as any store-bought dandruff product without all those nasty chemicals.


Essential Oils

Essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, and tea tree are natural disinfectants that fight off germs associated with dandruff. Just massage a few drops into your scalp before you shower. You can also steep 2 tablespoons of freshly-chopped rosemary in 1 cup of hot water for 20 minutes, then strain out and use as a hair rinse.


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, which helps loosen up dead skin cells that clog your pores. Try combining it with water in a bottle with a sprayer, or use it as an ingredient in homemade shampoo or conditioner.


Honey, Molasses & Cinnamon Mixture

If you have dandruff, look no further than your kitchen for a cheap, easy remedy. Mix equal parts of honey, molasses, and cinnamon in a bowl. Apply to your scalp with a cotton ball or swab, then leave on for one hour before washing off with lukewarm water. Do it once every week or two until dandruff disappears.


Final Thoughts

Prevention is key when it comes to dandruff. Washing your hair regularly and keeping up with a good cleaning schedule for your scalp will help prevent dandruff from returning. It’s also important to always use shampoo designed for people with sensitive skin, as these products are typically much gentler on your scalp. If you want an even deeper clean, try treating yourself once a week to an over-the-counter dandruff treatment or visit a salon and let someone else do it for you!

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