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Why You Should Consider Vitamin E Serum

Why You Should Consider Vitamin E Serum
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Why You Should Consider Vitamin E Serum

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Vitamin E is one of the most popular antioxidants in skin care products and with good reason. Vitamin E helps reduce free radical damage to your skin and reduces wrinkles, making it an excellent anti-aging ingredient for all skin types. Vitamin E can be found in plenty of moisturizers and creams that you can apply directly to your face, but what if you’re looking for faster results? If so, vitamin E serum may be just what you need! Here are some benefits of vitamin E serum and why they make it worth considering.


What is Vitamin E?

There are a few different types of vitamin E, but for skin care purposes, we’re mostly concerned with two different versions: tocopherol and tocotrienol. To simplify things a bit, both forms of vitamin E are powerful antioxidants that protect your skin from free radicals; however, they can also do more specific things like improving your complexion or skin tone and making fine lines look less noticeable. The biggest difference between tocopherol and tocotrienol is that you’ll only find tocotrienol in most topical skin care products because it’s less likely than its cousin to cause skin irritation. It’s also possible to take large doses of oral vitamin E supplements (in fact, many people do), but be careful—if you use too much over time, you could experience some side effects. That said, if you want to try taking oral supplements as part of your skincare routine (they’re often sold in pill form), talk to your doctor first.

2-Way Communication: Both vitamin E forms have been shown to be effective when applied topically, which means there’s no need for concern about negative interactions with other ingredients or medications (as long as those medications aren’t contraindicated). If you have any questions about whether an ingredient might interact negatively with something else you’re using on your face or body, just ask!


How Does it Work?

Simply rub it into your skin once or twice a day and let it dry. It’s that easy. Vitamin E is an antioxidant, which protects your skin from free radicals, and harmful molecules that can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. Once you’ve applied vitamin E serum, it will bind to free radicals in your skin and deflect them away from your cells before they have a chance to cause damage. In addition to reducing signs of aging, vitamin E may improve acne scarring and hyperpigmentation issues by helping new cells regenerate faster than damaged ones die off. The healthy fats in vitamin E also nourish rough or damaged skin for a smoother texture, even tone, and better hydration over time. As with any topical treatment, be sure to use vitamin E serum on clean skin. A few drops should be enough for your entire face; if you need more coverage, apply another layer after it dries.

#MyDermatologistToldMe: Many people think antioxidants are only beneficial if ingested through food sources—and that’s not entirely wrong! Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is important because these foods contain vitamins A, C, and E (which all act as antioxidants). But there are other ways to get these nutrients directly onto your skin: topically applying vitamins A and C has been shown to boost collagen production (i.e., reduce wrinkles) while fighting free radicals that break down collagen fibers.


What Are Some Natural Sources?

Your body naturally produces vitamin E, but it may not be enough to keep your skin healthy. Many foods are rich in vitamin E, including vegetable oils and nuts. Additionally, some vegetables are high in vitamin E. Try cooking them in a frying pan with a few drops of olive oil; they’ll taste better and be healthier than deep-fried versions of these foods. Other sources include broccoli, spinach, and tomatoes. If you’re not getting enough of these foods into your diet—or if you have a difficult time absorbing dietary sources of vitamin E—look for cosmetic products that contain vitamin-E serums or lotions to put on your face and neck each morning. These products help protect your skin from harmful UV rays, moisturize and soothe damaged cells and provide anti-aging benefits. If you apply sunscreen daily, consider using an SPF product that contains vitamin E as well. For example, Olay Regenerist Night Recovery Cream contains ingredients such as niacinamide (vitamin B3), ceramides (lipids), and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A). All three of these ingredients help reduce fine lines and wrinkles while improving elasticity in your skin.


What Does it Do For My Skin?

The most important thing to know about vitamin E is that it protects your skin from free radicals, which are a byproduct of UV radiation. This can cause wrinkles and age spots in addition to cancerous cell growth and DNA damage. The secret lies in antioxidants, molecules that help your body neutralize free radicals and reverse their effects on our cells. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, explains Dr. Rogers, who recommends it as an ingredient for serums and moisturizers because of its ability to penetrate deeper into skin than other antioxidants like vitamin C and green tea extracts (which work better when left on top of your skin). But vitamin E does more than simply prevent aging; one study found that applying topical vitamin-E serum helps reverse aging signs like wrinkles. Vitamin E has been shown to stimulate collagen production, says Dr. Rogers, which means it can improve elasticity and reduce fine lines. This may be due to its anti-inflammatory properties. And if you’re looking for a natural alternative to retinol—the gold standard of antiaging treatments—vitamin E could be just what you need: A 2012 study found that combining retinol with vitamin E improved skin’s texture while reducing redness and irritation compared with using retinol alone.


How Much Should I Use and Where Should I Apply It?

In general, you should apply 10mg per day to your face and neck. This dosage is suitable for most people, though you may want to adjust it depending on your skin type. For example, if you have dry skin and do not moisturize after applying it to your face, then a lower dosage might be recommended. It’s best to ask a dermatologist who is familiar with vitamin E what works best for you. When applying it to your face or neck, use one drop of serum per area. We recommend spreading out vitamin E overall in facial areas that are prone to wrinkles—such as around the eyes and lips—to prevent future damage from occurring before it’s too late! If you’re looking for an even more potent formula, try adding 2-3 drops of vitamin E oil into your favorite cream or lotion and rub it until fully absorbed. Be sure to always read labels when purchasing creams and lotions containing oils so that you can ensure they are properly diluted before using them. If you’re using a cream or lotion without any oils, skip adding vitamin E oil directly into it; instead, add two drops into your palm and rub them together until fully blended. Then apply like normal onto clean skin (we recommend doing so at night).


Should I Add Anything Else to it When Applying?

Some skincare experts recommend pairing vitamin E with another antioxidant like vitamin C. The two vitamins have complementary functions, and together they can enhance skin hydration and firmness. Other dermatologists say it’s a waste of money to add anything else to your vitamin E serum; they say it already contains a form of vitamin C that works just fine. However, if you want a more advanced formula that is triple-antioxidant (including vitamins A and C), look for serums containing tocopheryl acetate. In any case, it’s best to check with your dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon before using any product on your face. They’ll be able to help you determine which ingredients are right for your specific needs.


My Skin Feels Dry, What Can I Do?

When your skin is feeling dry, your first instinct might be to apply a lotion or cream. But adding products that contain water to already-dry skin isn’t really going to help. In fact, using products with moisturizers can actually make it harder for natural oils to be produced by your skin, resulting in an even drier complexion. A vitamin E serum, like Pharmaceris, can address dryness by working at a deeper level than creams and lotions. It absorbs easily into the skin and helps block moisture loss from inside out, all while being gentle enough for sensitive complexions. With regular use, you may notice softer, smoother skin without any of the greasy residue left behind by some other treatments.


Any Other Tips?

In addition to protecting your skin from environmental damage, studies have shown that vitamin E may be an effective treatment for hyperpigmentation and other skin conditions. There are a few different types of vitamin E—tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol, and delta-tocopherol—and research suggests that only delta-tocopherol has these benefits. So if you’re looking for a serum with vitamin E, make sure it contains delta-tocopherol or d-alpha-tocopherol on its label. Another thing: If you use sunscreen regularly (you should!), make sure it contains vitamin E as well; otherwise, your efforts might not be as effective as they could be.

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