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Neem, Your Skin’s Best Friend

Neem, Your Skin's Best Friend


Neem, Your Skin’s Best Friend

If you’re looking to clear up acne and reduce the signs of aging, then neem might be the product for you. This potent plant extract has been used in South Asian medicine for thousands of years to treat everything from skin rashes to hair loss, and it can do wonders for your complexion as well! In this guide, we’ll take an in-depth look at neem and its many benefits so that you can start using it today.


Its Antimicrobial Properties

Neem is well known for its skin benefits. When applied topically, neem can help reduce sebum production and inflammation in oily skin. In fact, it is considered to be such a great antiseptic that there have been investigations into using it to clean wounds in place of traditional soap and water due to its ability to inhibit bacteria growth. Neem’s antibacterial properties come from an ingredient called azadirachtin, which comes from neem tree seeds.


Its Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Neem has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of skin conditions. Because it’s so powerful and natural, neem is especially popular among people who are sensitive to traditional topical treatments. It’s also known for its anti-inflammatory properties—so if you struggle with acne or psoriasis, it may be worth a try.


How it Works for Dark Circles and Acne

Neem is also effective at controlling acne because it contains antibacterial properties. It’s well-known that bacteria can cause a variety of skin problems including redness and inflammation. When combined with other natural ingredients such as sandalwood powder and turmeric root powder, neem becomes even more effective at clearing acne by limiting swelling and irritation caused by bacteria. Keep in mind that neem is mild enough to use on all skin types.


How it Works for Dehydrated Skin

Neem helps to restore the skin’s natural moisture balance. It contains essential fatty acids that moisturize your complexion without clogging pores and leading to breakouts. Neem also contains a powerful anti-inflammatory that combats irritation and redness caused by acne, eczema, and other inflammatory conditions. If you have dry skin or are trying to prevent aging skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis, neem can help heal your face while keeping it soft and supple.


Why you Should Incorporate Neem into Your Daily Routine

Neem is a fruit from a large evergreen tree that grows in India. It has been used for centuries to treat wounds and other skin conditions. Neem may help treat acne by inhibiting inflammation and sebum production on your skin. The use of Neem for Acne is well documented by herbalists and is now backed up by modern scientific studies. One study shows that neem extract can reduce Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) bacteria count by as much as 50%. P. acnes is one of many causes of acne breakouts and its reduction helps prevent future breakouts. Other benefits include anti-inflammatory properties, antibacterial properties, antioxidants & antifungal properties. In addition to all these benefits, it also works great as an exfoliant! If you are interested in incorporating neem into your skincare routine you can find it at most health food stores or online. I recommend buying organic since it’s so easy to get an allergic reaction if you don’t buy organic! Also, be sure not to use too much because it can cause irritation if you do!

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