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5 Reasons Why You Need a Jade Roller in Your Beauty Routine

5 Reasons Why You Need a Jade Roller in Your Beauty Routine


5 Reasons Why You Need a Jade Roller in Your Beauty Routine

Our faces are what people see first when they look at us, and it’s important to ensure that they always look their best, so investing in your skincare routine should be a top priority. A tried-and-true way to achieve glowing skin from the inside out, in addition to good nutrition and sun protection, is with the help of jade rollers. This ancient beauty secret has been making its way into the Western world over the past few years, and it’s definitely here to stay!


A Jade Roller Will Make You Look Younger

The minerals that are found in jade stone—including calcium, sodium, and magnesium—are incredibly good for your skin. This is one of many reasons why people who live near hot springs or spas tend to age more slowly than those who don’t. Using a jade roller can give you similar anti-aging effects.


A Jade Roller Treats Wrinkles

While many people use jade rollers to reduce puffiness under their eyes, they also serve as a good way to treat wrinkles. By rolling it on your face, you can stimulate blood flow and stimulate collagen production. If you have lines near your eyes or forehead, using one of these products on them regularly will help treat those fine lines. While no product is going to stop or reverse aging overnight, jade rollers are a great way to add another weapon to your anti-aging arsenal.


A Jade Roller Gives Your Skin An Immediate Boost

Though its effects aren’t permanent, using one for just two minutes each day can boost circulation and tighten facial muscles. It also increases lymphatic drainage—the movement of fluid from tissues around your body to your lymph nodes—which flushes out toxins and improves skin texture. Put simply: A jade roller can make you look younger!


A Jade Roller Improves Circulation

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has long revered jade for its healing properties, and part of that is due to its ability to help increase circulation. When using your jade roller, you can either press or massage it into your skin. The latter will encourage better blood flow by breaking up stagnant areas of lymphatic fluid.


A Jade Roller Exfoliates Dead Skin Cells

Not only do jade rollers help with better absorption of creams and lotions on your face, but they also assist in exfoliating dead skin cells by helping to push them off as it gently rolls around your face. Regular exfoliation is what helps keep your skin looking younger and radiant, so if you are not currently using one and want to start, I highly recommend it! If you have sensitive skin that is prone to redness or irritation, be careful when picking out a jade roller.


Tips For Using Jade Roller

When it comes to rolling jade over your face, the technique is everything. Using too much pressure can cause pain, but not enough will mean you aren’t getting enough of an effect. Start with light pressure, then work your way up until you find what feels good for you. If it hurts (or if you have poor circulation) don’t worry—it’s normal to feel discomfort and even pain at first. But once you get used to it, it shouldn’t hurt.

Also remember that when using a jade roller, like any beauty tool, less is more. Don’t roll over your skin multiple times; one or two passes are usually all you need. That said, some people find that they prefer rolling their faces several times during their morning and evening routines. This ensures that their skin gets a deep-down cleanse each day without overdrying out or causing irritation.

It’s also important to note that not everyone can use a jade roller. If you have sensitive skin, it might be best to avoid these tools until your sensitivity subsides. They may also cause redness for those with rosacea or eczema.

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