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10 Awesome Skincare Benefits of Benzoyl Peroxide

10 Awesome Skincare Benefits of Benzoyl Peroxide


10 Awesome Skincare Benefits of Benzoyl Peroxide

You may have heard of Benzoyl Peroxide, but you might not know exactly what it is or what it can do for your skin. In this article, we will go over some of the most awesome skincare benefits of Benzoyl Peroxide and tell you how you can use it in your skincare routine to help your skin look its best. Read on to learn more!


1) It Treats Acne

This is perhaps one of benzoyl peroxide’s most popular uses. It works by killing bacteria, which causes acne. You can purchase over-the-counter products with a 2.5% benzoyl peroxide solution at most drugstores and department stores. If you have very severe acne, your dermatologist may prescribe a product with a higher concentration (usually around 10%). However, even OTC products can be strong enough to cause some skin irritation.


2) It Fades Scars

Have you ever had acne? If so, benzoyl peroxide was probably part of your treatment regimen. One common misconception about BP is that it causes acne, when in fact it treats and prevents breakouts by killing bacteria that cause acne. Even scars caused by acne can be treated with benzoyl peroxide.


3) It Relieves Redness

Benzoyl peroxide has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can reduce redness and swelling. This makes it especially good for people with acne, who often have inflamed pimples and pustules. If you suffer from recurring redness or rashes, applying benzoyl peroxide might do you a world of good!


4) It Prevents New Acne

Yes, it’s safe to say that benzoyl peroxide is one of your best bets when it comes to preventing acne. It fights off bacteria and removes excess oils from your skin by oxidizing them, killing acne-causing bacteria without messing with your skin’s good bacteria. You can use benzoyl peroxide in a variety of ways—from face washes to masks and even spot treatments. Follow up with an oil-free moisturizer for optimal results.


5) Helps Clear Cellulite

While there are no magical cures for cellulite, one way to reduce its appearance is to slough off dead skin cells that create a bumpy appearance. Benzoyl peroxide is a key ingredient in many over-the-counter cellulite treatments, as it helps break down excess fat and remove dead skin from targeted areas of your body. While you might not be able to banish cellulite altogether, at least it will look less obvious!


6) Combats Oily Skin

While it’s true that benzoyl peroxide can dry out skin, oily skin types benefit greatly from its anti-acne properties. Because it fights excess oil and removes dead skin cells that may block pores, acne sufferers who use benzoyl peroxide are often more successful at combating breakouts. Regular application helps keep pores unclogged and prevents future blemishes from forming.


7) Treats Keratosis Pilaris

Keratosis pilaris (KP) is a common skin condition characterized by small bumps, generally on your upper arms, thighs, and cheeks. This condition can be treated with benzoyl peroxide, an active ingredient in many skin care products. When applied topically to affected areas, benzoyl peroxide kills bacteria that cause KP and exfoliates dead skin cells that clog pores.


8) Exfoliates Skin

Skin is constantly shedding dead skin cells, which can clog pores. Exfoliation reduces these dead cells, making your skin healthier and more attractive. When you apply benzoyl peroxide to your skin it removes dead skin cells while simultaneously killing acne-causing bacteria. This helps prevent new pimples from forming and minimizes existing ones. The result is brighter, smoother, and clearer skin.


9) Treats Blackheads

Used as an acne treatment, benzoyl peroxide helps get rid of blackheads—which is one reason why it’s used in a lot of over-the-counter acne medications. The other reason is that benzoyl peroxide kills p.


10) Prevents Clogged Pores

A common skin care problem is oily skin and clogged pores. This can lead to blemishes and acne, and it’s no fun at all. One way to get rid of excess oil is to use benzoyl peroxide, which helps dry out blemishes caused by blocked pores. There are a few products on the market that contain benzoyl peroxide, like Clearasil Daily Acne Defense Cream or Neutrogena On-the-Spot Acne Treatment Pen.


Final Thoughts

Though it’s one of the oldest and most well-known ingredients in topical skincare, benzoyl peroxide has a lot to offer. Its biggest benefit is its ability to kill acne-causing bacteria on contact. In fact, some dermatologists recommend applying BP right after showering—while pores are still open—because it kills so many germs in such a short amount of time.

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